Monday, April 6, 2009

Know Da Players: Nabeel Ghazi

Nabeel Ghazi a.k.a Nabeelja Vidic is a quiet on and off the pitch but he can be quite cheeky off the pitch with his charming face and bulky body structure. This lad enjoys traveling around the world when he gets the opportunity to do so.

Nabeelja, like most of the players in F&F squad is a die Man Utd fan,enough said there. He was introduced to MMU football when his agent, Nadia Khairi requested Ferdinadeem, then was the player/manager of the legendary Kayu FC team to give him a trial with the club and he did not disappoint anyone. He won MMU League and FA Cup with the team and later on transferred to Team Boy where he helped them gained promotion to 2nd Division.

Although this is his first season with F&F, he has settled in swiftly within the squad which full with familiar faces from his time at Kayu FC and reunited with his partner, Ferdinadeem in defence. It is known that Boynaldo and Ferdinadeem had put in good words for him to skipper Samir Aie when he was looking for a stopper. Since his debut against SDX FC in an exhibition match, he has cemented his place in the first team and was one of the key players after the match against CyberHeat.

He is the type of player who does not show any emotion on the field but he is a good marker. Even though he lacks speed and seldom jumps into tackle, its hard for the strikers to get him off their backs. Since his Kayu FC days, he has improved vastly in his jumping, header and awareness.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for promoting mr Ferdinadeem....
    i only come out with the best players...
